Thursday, 4 June 2015



Just a week ago Kemi Smallz sounded like on horse on air cos she lost her voice due to sore throat, guess what guys, You don’t always have to run to the doctor with a sore throat. Try these remedies first and thank me later. This is City Health Tips and my name is Vien

Do I have a remedy for sore throats? Ive got good news for you, my top 5 home remedies for sore throat is what I will be sharing with you today  on the show and its all thanks to Mayo clinic . org  

Gargle with Salt Water
Gargle with warm salt water. It works. The salt pulls the mucous out of your swollen, inflamed tissue and helps relieve the discomfort of a sore throat.

According to the Mayo Clinic, you should combine one teaspoon of table salt with eight ounces of warm water. Stir until the salt dissolves, then gargle with it for several seconds. Spit it out, and repeat the salt gargle several times each day.

Enjoy a Drop of Honey
Warm tea sweetened with honey can help soothe your irritated throat. Tea also keeps you hydrated, which is another important step in treating a sore throat. Brew up a cup next time a sore throat starts to tickle.
Honey has another benefit when you’re sick. Research shows honey is an effective cough suppressant, even when compared to prescription cough medication.
Other warm fluids, including soup, can also help you find some relief. Just make sure all the food and drinks are warm, not hot. Hot tea or hot soup may actually burn your already-sensitive throat and make the problem worse.

Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is an important part of treating a sore throat. When you’re dehydrated, your body can’t produce enough saliva and mucus to keep your throat naturally lubricated.

Steam Shower
Give Yourself a Steam Shower
If you don’t have a humidifier, you can still get relief from moist air. Steam inhalation from a shower or sink filled with hot water can help reduce swelling and ease the pain of a sore throat.
While in a warm shower, take deep breaths. You can also create steam relief by running very hot water in a sink. Drape a towel over your head and lean into the sink to breathe in the steam. Keep taking deep breaths for several minutes, and repeat this as necessary to ease your sore throat.

See a Doctor
See a Doctor if Necessary
You don’t have to suffer a sore throat. Plenty of over-the-counter and home-treatment remedies can help you find relief when the pain and discomfort from a sore throat takes hold.
Still, it’s important to remember that not every sore throat will go away on its own. If you experience severe pain when swallowing, develop a high fever, or begin vomiting or feeling nauseous, you may want to make an appointment with your doctor. Your sore throat may actually be a sign of a bigger problem. So try these home remedies and thank me later. 

That's all folks, fellas and females do listen in to CITY105.1FM LAGOS to City Health Tips With Vien007, 8:45 Am, Monday to Friday only on Breakfast In The City Show.

Bamidele "Vien007" Osagie

The Family 800

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