Thursday, 21 May 2015

WORLD AUTOIMMUNE ARTHRITIS DAY (May 20, 2015) By Vien007 On Health Tips



Quick question? Do you have RA? What is RA? I will focus on that in a bit but right now let me remind you that yesterday,  May 20, 2015 was the World “World Autoimmune Arthritis Day (WAAD). Autoimmune Arthritis and related diseases currently covered during WAAD15 include: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA), Still’s Disease (SD), Juvenile Arthritis (JA), and others which the Doctors on Dr.s  orders will discus further on.

But now, back to the question, RA, What is it, do you have it, and the basic symptoms to look out for well that’s what I will be talking about on city health tips with me Vien. R. A IS Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious autoimmune disease that attacks the joints and other body parts.

But RA can be tough to diagnose. Symptoms can mimic other illnesses, or they may flare, then fade, only to flare again somewhere else says Dr. William C. Shiel. 

THE TIP FOR TODAY:  Here are some tricky rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and
While early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis can actually be mimicked by other diseases, the symptoms are very characteristic of rheumatoid disease. Rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and signs include the following:
·         Rheumatoid arthritis usually (not always) involves many joints on both sides of the body. It is, therefore, sometimes referred to as a symmetric polyarticular form of arthritis. 

That's all folks, fellas and females do listen in to CITY105.1FM LAGOS to City Health Tips With Vien007, 8:45 Am, Monday to Friday only on Breakfast In The City Show.

The Family 800


Bamidele "Vien007" Osagie 

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